Donate through LocalGiving

HMSC relies on financial help from donors to enable us to deliver our services. Thanks to the generous support of donors, in 2023:

  • Staff and volunteers at HMSC helped 519 different individuals.  
  • Over a third of the people we supported identified as homeless or in otherwise precarious or temporary housing. HMSC provided 264 housing and welfare advice sessions, supporting visitors with accommodation issues, helping them to secure housing and fighting for conditions to be improved.
  • 174 people accessed immigration advice through HMSC, allowing them to understand and take ownership of their case. A further 70 individuals were helped to secure full representation for their immigration case by HMSC. 

We rely on fundraising and donations to continue providing our vital service. Visit our Local Giving Page to see how you can help us to continue to support people when they need us most. If you need help to set up your payment, please email us at with the subject line “Local Giving”.